February 17, 2025
Night Court Recap for Mayim Worst Enemy

NIGHT COURT -- "Mayim Worst Enemy" Episode 312 -- Pictured: (l-r) Mayim Bialik as Herself, Melissa Rauch as Abby Stone -- (Photo by: Nicole Weingart/NBC)

Night Court Recap for Mayim Worst Enemy

Night Court Recap for Mayim Worst Enemy

Night Court opens with Wyatt on the phone trying to get reservations for a date and then hanging up and complaining about not being able to get them.

Gurgs talks about getting into a sleep study, while Abby talks about plans she did that are really plots from old 90s movies.


Court begins and Mayim Bialk walks in. Abby fan girls and learns that Mayim is there for assaulting a guy. Julianne explains the situation, while Dan defends her, saying a vegan restaurant misrepresented itself by selling a bacon steak sandwich.

Abby lets Mayim off and sues the restaurant for ten million. Julianne says this is not feasible, but Abby is too enchanted by her idol to care.

Later on, Abby is embarrassed by fangirling and goes to talk to Abby. She is nervous at first, but they end up bonding over skincare and counting melatonin pills and do the Blossom dance. Julianne quips that dancing can be non sexual.

Abby continues to rave over Blossom, but Mayim says she did other shows like Call Me Kat and Big Bang Theory. Abby says that she doesn’t remember her on the show, but remembers the girl with the high voice.


Dan talks about society crumbling because someone let an elevator close in his face. Wyatt compares it to getting Travis Scott Nikes, which Dan doesn’t understand. Dan adds that he took the pocket square from the guy in the elevator as it closed and is going to get revenge and there will be a reckoning. Wyatt says that this deserves a reckoning but he got nothing when he was pants-ed in court.

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Abby talks about her fun weekend dressed as Blossom, while Wyatt talks about how he had his mom pretend to work at a pop up place for his date. Abby, for her part, talks about how she and Mayim hung out all weekend prank calling Joey Lawrence and sneaking into Mensa meetings.

Gurgs says that they have different ideas of fun.

The more Abby talks about her weekend, the more people think Mayim may be obsessed with her. Abby thinks this is silly, until the power goes out and Mayim shows up with a lantern asking why she isn’t wearing her hat.


Julianne and Abby talk about the Mayim situation and how Abby feels that she is being stalked but doesn’t want to say anything. Julianne offers her help and promises to fix things.


Mayim is bonding with Wyatt and Gurgs and offers to help them with their dating and sleep problems, respectively. She keeps mentioning that she is a neuroscientist and then switches topics to help get more information on Abby, such as favorite foods and allergies, as well as fingerprints.


She then talks to Dan about the elevator guy and helps him figure out who made the stolen pocket square. She goes to get them coffee, only to run into Julianne, who questions her about her stalking. Mayim says that she is not a stalker, just a regular gal who thinks Abby is special. She then says that she can’t even get a woman sized cage, that is only something that someone who was on several different shows can afford and Julianne should know.

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Abby asks Dan where Julianne is and he quips that she would need a stepstool. Mayim then comes in and tells Dan she identified the food on the pocket square. He rushes to find the culprit, leaving Abby and Mayim alone. Mayim says that just because she is talking to Dan doesn’t mean that she lost her. She suggests that they marry brothers, but Abby is focused on finding Julianne. Mayim tells her that she took time off and doesn’t want to be bothered.


Gurgs and Wyatt are working on the list for Mayim when Abby tells them about the Mayim situation. They don’t believe her until Gurgs realizes that Mayim is getting stalking information from them.

They head to Mayim’s apartment so Abby can prove her point. They run into her in the hallway, and she invites them all in, where they realize that she remodeled the apartment into a replica of Abby’s office.

They also discover Julianne there drinking a martini. Julianne says she is having a wonderful time, but then says she sent everything about the situation to Abby in a text.

However, the text never sent because Mayim turned off WiFi. Dan then walks in to give Mayim the pocket square owner information and realizes what is going on….as Mayim holds them hostage.


Mayim and Abby do another Blossom dance until Mayim says she has a surprise for her. As she goes into the other room while the others try and find a way to escape. Gurgs wants to sleepwalk her way out of there, while Wyatt and Dan try to get the remote that Mayim used to stalk them.

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Mayim comes back dressed as Abby. She claims she wants Abby’s life and tries to take pictures as Dan takes the remote. Mayim says she and Abby are no longer friends, but enemies….and then calls scene. It turns out the whole thing was research for a play she is doing where she plays a stalker. Abby is a bit disappointed, but Mayim reminds her she is Mayim Bialk and therefore better than she is.


Later on, Abby and Dan get coffee and complain about Mayim’s play. They realize that the pocket square belonged to a mannequin and discover a gift for Abby from Mayim. The note reads that she should have killed her while she had the chance, freaking Abby out. They then realize the pocket square debacle was a set up from Mayim. Dan says he hates actors as the episode comes to a close.


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