Kids Baking Championship Recap for 1/27/2025

Kids Baking Championship Recap for 2/17/2025

Kids Baking Championship Recap for 1/27/2025

-Captain Mickey and Minnie Mouse are in the house to cheer on our bakers and represent the new Disney Cruise Line in the Bahamas.

-The bakers have to make a tropical animal bake. The winner will win a Disney cruise.

-Ella is making a sea urchin themed blondie with rice crispy treats.

-Arielle is making a no bake cheesecake cream puffs with an octopus theme with cinnamon, pineapple and graham cracker flavors.

-Brooklyn is making a blueberry bar with a clownfish made out of white chocolate.

-Piper has a lemon bar with shortbread with a blue tang fish theme.

-Aria is making cardamom pull apart cupcakes with mango shaped like sea turtles.

-Micah is making a seahorse themed blueberry pie. However, his filling is so watery, and he worries it might not work. He adds cornstarch to thicken it, and it works well.

-Jack is making a starfish themed lemon meringue tart.

-Carly is making a white chocolate coconut blondie with a crab motif.

-Carter is making an eclair and brownie dessert with a dolphin theme.

-TWIST! They must use vanilla ice cream with homemade mix ins.

-Carter’s dolphins are burned! He is crying and I just want to hug him. He finally gets things under control.

-It is coming down to the wire as all the bakers continue to work hard to work on their bakes and twists.

-Aria’s cupcakes are a bit underdone and worries her.

-Carter can’t fill his eclairs, so he uses the filling as an icing instead.

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-Before long, time is up and Duff and Kardea must try each dessert. They give the pros and cons on each before deliberating.

-Arielle and Carly are the top two bakers, with Carly winning the cruise.

-Ella, Jack, Micah, Piper and Brooklyn are all safe.

-Aria and Carter are in the bottom two, with Carter going home.

-More next week, stay tuned.

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