February 17, 2025

Originally posted on April 6, 2020 @ 2:08 pm

In a matter of weeks, Joseph “Joe Exotic” Maldonado-Passage has cemented his claim to the throne as the one and only Tiger King. But if ever there was a rival to Joe Exotic, it’s the world’s now most talked about woman, Carole Baskin, the equally indisputable tiger queen.  


Now ID’s definitive sequel, INVESTIGATING THE STRANGE WORLD OF JOE EXOTIC, delves into the biggest mystery in true crime today, helmed by the biggest character in the world: Joe Exotic, himself.


Love her or hate her, Carole is now in the center ring of the big cat circus. Is she a selfless crusader and protector of animals, who found unimaginable strength despite the mysterious disappearance of her husband? Or are we witnessing Carole Baskin’s master plan finally take effect? Despite her claims of innocence, did she orchestrate the disappearance of Don Lewis to seize control of his fortune, consolidate power and lay waste to her foes? No one seems to be talking – except for one man – and that man is the center of ID’s upcoming investigative series. 


“Viewers are understandably riveted by Netflix’s ‘Tiger King,’ but the millions of true crime fans around the world were left wanting more,” said Henry Schleiff, Group President ID, Travel Channel, American Heroes Channel and Destination America.  “ID is the perfect place to find the inevitable sequel to this drama – featuring a missing husband, a hit man, and the illegal business of exotic animals.  It’s time to let the cat out of the bag and address the lingering questions that viewers demand be answered.”   

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This is the investigation you didn’t get to see, revealing the secrets only Joe knows, the exclusive footage that has never been shown and the search to answer the one question every person in America is asking themselves right now: although she’s denied it, is Carole Baskin responsible for the disappearance of her husband, Don Lewis?  


But neither the mystery nor the investigation stops there. What skeletons is Joe still hiding within his untold past? Is his conviction truly justified? Who is Jeff Lowe and what does the FBI really know? What secrets lie hidden within Doc Antle’s walls?  


INVESTIGATING THE STRANGE WORLD OF JOE EXOTIC is being produced by Conveyor Media with Theresa McKeown & Colin Whelan as Executive Producers and Rebecca Sirmons as Co-Executive Producer.

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