Hell’s Kitchen Recap for 1/16/2025

Hell's Kitchen Recap for 1/16/2025

Hell’s Kitchen Recap for 1/16/2025

-We are at the final five for Fox’s Hell’s Kitchen. Egypt, Hannah, Whit, Kyle and Brandon are all vying for a spot in the finale, where the final two will battle for a spot working in a restaurant owned by Chef Gordon Ramsay.

-The final five open gifts and toast to the fact that they are black jacket chefs.

-Everyone is woken up in the middle of the night by scary noises….or what they call Hell’s Kitchen Paranormal Activity. They all joke about it, with Egypt quipping that he will book it out of there if something pops out.

-The next day, Chef Gordon Ramsay teaches them how to make his signature ravioli of lobster dish. The twist? They have to teach stand-up comedians how to cook the dish in 45 minutes.

-Jeff Dye, Jim Norton, Judy Gold, Druski and Yamaneika Saunders are in the house!

-Jeff is with Egypt, who teaches him how to properly cut lobster…and how to use a knife.

-Whit has Druski and quips that he is trying to take her job.

-Yamaneika compares Hannah to her trainer and takes a liking to her.

-Jim and Brandon are paired together and also have a nice connection.

-Judy is with Kyle and quips that he is the gay son she always wanted.

-These poor comedians are struggling, especially Jeff. They are so cute though.

-Before long, time is up and the teams must present their dishes. Chef Gordon Ramsay gives the pros and cons of each before declaring Whit and Druski the winners. Whit will go to Kitch in Mystic for an ultimate shopping spree. She is able to take Kyle along with her and Chef Gordon Ramsay gives them each $1000 to spend. They will also have lunch at a Chef James Beard restaurant with season 17 winner Chef Michelle.

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-Everyone else will clean up.

-While Kyle and Whit enjoy their day of luxury, everyone else begrudgingly cleans and complains…..which intensifies when they must clean the blue kitchen as well.

-Chef Michelle enjoys lunch with Kyle and Whit and gives them advice on how to handle the rest of the competition.

-Once the day of luxury is over, it is game on!

-Dinner service time! It is the first black jacket dinner service, so Chef Gordon Ramsay expects the very best.

-Hannah falls behind, which upsets everyone. However, she is able to catch up without losing too much time.

-The service continues and while everyone is working hard, there is still a lot of chaos in the kitchen.

-The kitchen starts to fall apart with raw chicken, but they are able to get things under control.

-Brandon in particular seems to be falling apart and messing up quite a bit.

-Things get so bad that Chef Gordon Ramsay calls a meeting with the chefs. This time, Brandon’s beef Wellingtons are overcooked. He screams at all of them so loudly that the entire dining room can hear–with them worrying that the kitchen might get shut down.

-Things finally get under control and the service is finished.

-Chef Gordon Ramsay gives the pros and cons of each chef and then sends Brandon home due to him having his worst service yet.

-More next week, stay tuned.


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