February 12, 2025
TShane in Gear Headshot1

Originally posted on April 2, 2020 @ 4:13 pm

World Record Holder TShane Johnson talks to TVGrapevine about his new book,  out now.
Tell me a bit about yourself and career. 

First, I am a dad and super hero to a beautiful little girl. Then, to the public, I am a Professional Speaker, Top-Selling Author, Marine Corps Veteran, Entrepreneur and World-Record Athlete. I wear many hats.

I am well-known for my yearly Hike Across America tour, where I run across the United States raising funds for our most severely wounded heroes and our homeless. In 2019, I carried a 100-pound backpack, covering 22 miles each day along the East Coast, stopping to speak at many notable and historical venues. I was able to chat about leadership, hardships, and tell success stories of veterans and first responders. I also broke the world record for fastest one-mile carrying a 100-pound pack on the road this year!

I have recently launched an extremely successful start up mortgage company, and am hired to motivate and inspire employees at big companies such as RedBull, Hyatt, Best Western Hotel and Resorts, Caesars Entertainment and more.
Before all of this, I really struggled and defied the odds.  When I was younger, I flatlined three times after a terrible motorcycle accident by Corona, CA, and then spent two years being homeless on the East Coast. Anything is possible to overcome if you have the right mindset.

How would you describe your new book?

Become The Leader You Are Meant To Be is the basic layout to what I feel is an effective way to view and follow leadership, and to add to your personal ideas and concepts.

See also  Nicole Hartliep Talks to TVGrapevine

What made you decide to share your story? 


I know that stories are what helped me during the times I was homeless or struggling. I think it is important to share the notion that we will all have struggles but that there is light at the end of each tunnel.

What were some challenges in writing your book?


Being vulnerable! In today’s society everyone is an ‘expert’ on something and a lot of people believe that leadership is a one shoe fits all platform. Also, taking the time to block out all of life’s noise to focus on completing the book was definitely a challenge.

What do you hope people learn from it?


I hope people take a little something away that they can apply in their everyday lives…Again, leadership is not a one size fits all but I do believe if we gather information and ideas from others we can wrap ourselves around a leadership ideology. We can then adjust and create our individual leadership style.

What else are you working on?


Oh boy! Well, I am training to break the world record for the most pushups in 12 hours, for over 19,000. The record hasn’t been broken since 1989. In addition, I am hoping to soon release my fourth book Done by 2:30, The Essential Guide To A Successful Work Life Balance, co-authored by my five year old daughter Charli.

Tell me a fun fact about yourself.


I am the great, great, nephew of the Florida Folk Lore “Acre Foot Johnson,” who was known to carry the USPS mail 65 miles in a day, three times a week. Ironic since I have personally ran across America three times.


I am a huge movie buff so if I watch something it is definitely a movie. My daughter’s middle name is Ridley, after Ridley Scott. Got to love ALIENS. 🙂

Anything else you want to share?

As we are going through what will be one of the biggest world crises within our time, I think it is important to share this… You are truly rich when you have all the things money can’t buy. Live, laugh, love, and enjoy the people close to you in your life. This world-wide event has allowed us to stop for a second and really understand that the most precious things in the world are around us at all times. It took something like this crisis for us to stop and realize that.
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