February 12, 2025

Originally posted on April 15, 2020 @ 9:59 pm

Det. Pat Postiglione is a former Nashville detective who has used his photographic memory to help solve many high profile cases. Watching him is like watching a detective show come to life, except everything happening is the real deal. He is incredible, intelligent and a bright star on ID.

His show is called Deadly Recall and this season, he brings six of his most memorable cases back into the spotlight as he tries to solve them using evidence and his famous photographic memory.

In a recent interview with TVGrapevine, Det. Pat Postiglione, who is now retired, talked about how he show differs from other detective shows currently airing. While most shows just get into the case, this one also allows viewers to get to know the actual victim and tell their story.

The opening episode features the murder of a prominent NFL star and Pat not only questions those involved, but also recreates the case from memory. It is a tough, emotional job and one he never thought he would do post-retirement.  However, it is something that is now near and dear to his heart and something he plans to continue to do in the future. He admits that it is tough, especially when the cases get emotional, but he has long since learned how to handle those situations. 

In addition, he is working two days a week at the DA’s office. He continues to work hard and being justice to Nashville and remains an unsung hero among us.

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Check your local listings for showtimes. 

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