Big Brother Recap for 7 /8/19

Originally posted on July 28, 2019 @ 9:41 pm

Tonight’s episode of CBS’s Big Brother picks up where we left off—the HOH competition. Jesica and Nicole are already out, leaving the others fighting for the title.

As they hang, we get some flashbacks to the week before. It seems like Michie is suspicious of Christie, who seems as if she doesn’t trust him, nor does she like him and how he treats women. She is also not happy with the showmance he is involved in. 

Kathryn also wants to get rid of Michie, possibly by backdooring him.

Back to the game. Before long, we have only Michie, Holly, Kathryn and Analyse remaining. Kathryn decides to drop when she is promised safety from Holly and Analyse….but not before Michie falls. The remaining two girls work out deals with each other. 

Christie is worried that Michie will take over Holly’s HOH if she wins.


Oh, and remember those papers everyone grabbed as they fell? Two people got the poison ivy punishment—Tommy and Christie.

Now that Holly won, Michie is helping her strategize, while Cliff worries about his previous deal and if he is still safe. Everyone else is basically trying to get on her good side, especially Sam.

However, that doesn’t mean there isn’t some unhappy people. Christie, Tommy and Analyse decide they don’t want to work with Holly and Michie anymore, but want to still remain in Holly’s good graces.

Holly and Michie discuss her strategy and wonder if they should put Nick and Sam on the block or use someone like Nicole as a pawn and then get rid of one of the guys.

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The punishment Christie and Tommy have is to have rashes painted on them, be scantily clad and show shower or go outside for four days.

Cliff and Kathryn discuss conspiracy theories, including if Tupac is still alive and if the moon landing happened. 

Sam tells Michie and Holly he wants to work them and promises them safety next week if he wins.

Nomination ceremony! Nick and Sam are on the block! Stay tuned!

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