February 14, 2025

Originally posted on April 30, 2019 @ 11:23 am

It’s time to come out from behind the back of the sofa as Winterfell picks up the pieces from the biggest battle in TV and Film history – but what happens next? Below are the latest odds according to betting intelligence network www.US-Bookies.com, which includes www.Bet-NJ.com, www.Bet-PA.com, and www.Bet-WV.com on who will rule Westeros.

What do we know?
Forget the Patriots’ Super Bowl heroics against the Falcons, this was surely the comeback of the century. Outnumbered and outfought, the North defied the odds and overcame the Night King and his army of the dead, but there were some heartbreaking casualties along the way. Ser Jorah Mormont, Lyanna Mormont, Beric Dondarrian and Theon Greyjoy sacrificed themselves in true heroic fashion while we also lost Melisandre, who played a pivotal part in saving Winterfell in a rare appearance. The trailer for the next episode also confirmed Drogon and Rhaegal  survived their fight with their dead brother Viserion.

What will happen next?
With the Night King dead, Daenerys and her army look to pick up the pieces after the epic Battle of Winterfell and have King’s Landing in their sights where they’ll be met by Cersei and her new and well-rested army. However, with just three episodes to go, the fourth could well be another that sets the scene before it all boots off again in the last two. Don’t rule out any action though – there are still conflicts that need sorting, Daenerys hasn’t truly endeared herself to the north and needs to win over Sansa while the Mother of Dragons is also under pressure from Jon Snow after realizing he is the actual heir to the throne. After not appearing in the last two episodes, there will be huge focus on King’s Landing and Cersei’s preparations for the incoming siege from Daenerys and the north.

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Ones to watch

Sansa Stark: The new favorite (2/1) to sit on the Iron Throne will have a huge part to play in the remaining three episodes as Sansa is set to cross paths with her evil ex sister-in-law in Cersei Lannister. Sansa isn’t the only one baying for the Queen’s blood, but with their past and the trauma Cersie put her through, it would only be fitting that Sansa takes the crown.
The 6/1 third favorite came out of the Battle of Winterfell unscathed and will be reminded that as the illegitimate son of King Robert Baratheon, he has been denied the rule of the Iron Throne but there is a genuine belief he may finally get what is technically his right to the throne as Cersei only currently holds it through marriage. Forming a new romance with Arya, Gendry also has one of the most important characters in the series on his side.
Arya Stark: The MVP of the last episode. Arya may not be one of the favourites for the throne (11/1) but as we all saw in episode 3, you will be crazy to cross her. As the army in the north head south, Arya will have her father’s death in mind as she looks to tick yet another name off of her list.
Tyrion Lannister: Having been nothing but a spectator in the Battle of Winterfell, Tyrion will come in to his own as he prepares his sister’s downfall. With his brother Jaime now beside him, could Tyrion be hatching his own plan for the throne? He may be a long shot at 12/1 but what you can be certain on is that he will be looking to cause mayhem down in King’s Landing, a place he knows better than anyone.

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Latest betting: Who will rule Westeros?
Sansa Stark: 2/1
Jon Snow: 5/1
Gendry: 6/1
Bran Stark: 7/1
Arya Stark: 11/1
Daenerys Targaryen: 11/1
Tyrion Lannister: 12/1
Samwell Tarly: 25/1
Cersei Lannister: 40/1
Jaime Lannister: 66/1

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