February 6, 2025
The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap for 7/28/2024

THE REAL HOUSEWIVES OF NEW JERSEY -- Season:11 -- Pictured: Margaret Josephs -- (Photo by: Rodolfo Martinez/Bravo)

The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap for 7/28/2024

The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap for 7/28/2024

-Seeing Giuliana’s progress after her surgery is so amazing. I am so happy for her. She is standing on her own and talking better…seeing the look on Rachel’s face while all this is happening is icing on the cake.

-Olivia starting a skincare routine at ten is….interesting. Granted, I used Noxzema and Oxy pads (or whatever they were called) at that age, but girls these days are using fancy stuff (skincare smoothies) I don’t even use at 40.

-Bill seems so checked out of everything. He has no interest in the Jen/Danielle drama, meeting with the guys or anything. I feel like he is just there because it’s required?

-The ladies are staying in the Berkshires. Dolores is giving Jennifer and Teresa their own guest house so they can stay away from the other women/drama. It makes sense, but also feels kind of….rude?

-I think Dolores knows that this trip is going to be a disaster but is trying to make it as peaceful as possible for everyone.

-Jen F ordering a burger and milkshake is such a mood. It also sounds like the most realistic meal these women have ordered.

-I hope Margaret gets good news about Joe soon. I can tell it is stressing her out and it breaks my heart.

-What does having an office by a meth clinic have to do with anything?

-I am confused about the event with Teresa and her attorney. Are they really meeting to trash Margaret or is she just making assumptions?

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-Is Margaret calling the whole group to yell at them for attending said event? Also, why is Jen F backing out? She should still go because it has nothing to do with her….she attended other events without Teresa that Teresa was shunned from, so why would it be a big deal if she goes to Teresa?

-Joey’s guy’s night with grilling in beer actually sounds like a lot more fun than the retreat the girls are going to….just saying.

-Both Joe(y)s are at the event, along with John, who shows up in his pajamas.

-The court case with Teresa and Louis is over, but there is a secret about Margaret….that will be revealed.

-Louis’s dad seems so adorable.

-Margaret calls Joe to tell them about the bombshell Teresa supposedly has…okay, now I get why Margaret is pissed off.


-The guys doing shots out of those paper cups most people keep in the bathroom for mouthwash and quick sips of water after using the potty. Why is that so funny to me?

-Frankie is invited to Louis and Teresa’s party….but doesn’t seem to care about it either way.

-Louis, Paulie and Bill record messages for their ladies to listen to while they are at the retreat. That is so sweet.

-Joey getting upset because Bill, Louis and Paulie met up without them is so high school. Maybe they had plans to meet prior to this event, jeez.

-John ends up having an allergic reaction to something and has to go to the hospital. It seems like he is going into anaphylactic shock. This is so scary.

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-Joe tells everyone John needs to be treated, even though John doesn’t want to, Joey is peeing in the toilet next to them and the others are trying to help how they can while offering commentary. I don’t think I want any of them except Joe around in an emergency.

-John is going to be fine, so they all eat and feed the ambulance people. That is so Italian of them.

-Frankie calling Paulie about Louis….when Paulie is dating his ex-wife…..is so weird and cute at the same time.

-The house the ladies were to stay in just burned down. Maybe it’s a sign they should stay home.

-Dolores is so relatable about needing a nap and dealing with hot flashes. All us ladies can relate!

-Time for Teresa’s party! Let’s see what Margaret’s secret is….my bet is it is going to be a whole lot of nothing, just like Heather’s black eye.

-Jackie! Where have you been, girl?

-This attorney dude looks like he belongs in the Corinthos family.

-Can they just get to the TL;DR about this issue with Margaret and the ex-fiancee?

-Margaret is communicating with….someone and got subpoenaed? She was then going to expose some information….there better be more to this big OMG reveal. Oh, and Margaret supposedly ignored the subpoena.

-Okay, so Margaret gets information from Louis’s ex and spreads it to others to try and hurt Teresa and Louis? THAT was the big OMG reveal? We already knew this. We already saw the videos and knew Margaret was allegedly behind it….HEADDESK.

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-Why are we still talking about Laura? No one cares about her anymore or if she is talking to Teresa, Jennifer or the Pope? Granted, Danielle has a point about it being hypocritical, but still.

-Margaret sent Teresa and James flowers saying that she is sorry for the loss of their dignity. Margaret, I love you, but NO! I was rooting for you! We were ALL rooting for you!

-Teresa was so right to send the flowers back.

-Thank you, Teresa, it is a sign that this retreat/event needs to be cancelled.

-Dolores! I love you, but please stop making this event happen. It doesn’t need to happen.



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