Originally posted on June 16, 2024 @ 4:00 pm
The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap for 6/9/2024
-Teresa’s workout outfit is….a choice…I’ve never seen anything like it, but it is so Teresa it isn’t even funny.
-Antonia wants to major in business management and Melissa thinks she can franchise Envy. Okay, then.
-Melissa saying she is surrounded by pissing boys…WTF? Are they not potty trained? WTF?
-Audriana hugging Jackie is so cute.
-I had no idea Jackie’s sons were the same age as Audriana.
-When did Teresa get a dog?
-Rachel’s espresso machine looks so amazing. I love the one I have, but hers looks next level.
-These women have nothing better to do than complain about each other, do they?
-Dolores seems like she is PISSED at Paulie….but that doesn’t stop her from gossiping about the girls.
-I love Dolores, but she needs to get better taste in men….or find a man that is going to treat her better. She deserves better than what Dave and Paulie have put her through.
-I need to start a count of every time Danielle says bougie. So far two….three if you count her tagline.
-I love how these ladies do a lot of charity work. Clubs for a Cause sounds amazing and I want to learn more about it.
-Jennifer never wears jeans….probably the only thing I have in common with her.
-That is some margarita the two Jen(nifer)s ordered.
-Who is Lina? Also I have no idea who Tiffany and Kayla are….are we getting randos on the show now?
-Apparently, Lina did Danielle’s hair? Why is she relevant?
-Now Paulie wants to go into business with Dolores? WTF?
-I didn’t realize Joey knew Dolores since he was five. I knew he knew her as a teen and had a crush on her, but didn’t know they knew each other that long.
-This butt golfing….at what is supposed to be a charity event….just….no.
-How did Danielle not already have her models picked out? Shouldn’t she have done all this BEFORE NYFW? Also, why is she getting pissy with the kids?
-For a show that has been talked about for the past five episodes, we got very little of the actual day…it was like mayyyybeeeee five minutes, including her freaking out.
-Parking Attendant-Gate has already gone on way too long. They all need to get over it.
-While we are at it, we can also stop Drug Dealer-Gate.
-The stuff John went through with his ex is scary…..I am sick of Drug Dealer-Gate, but glad he is able to explain himself and tell his side of the story.
-Teresa and John are fighting over who should apologize and are throwing their pasts in each other’s faces….what a way to end this episode.
-More next week, stay tuned.