February 7, 2025
Big Brother 26 Recap for 9/11/2024: Who Won POV?

BIG BROTHER September 11 on the CBS Television Network and streaming on Paramount+ (live and on-demand for Paramount+ with SHOWTIME subscribers, or on-demand for Paramount+ Essential subscribers the day after the episode airs)* Pictured: Veto Competition: Angela Murray, Quinn Martin, Kimo Apaka, Rubina Bernabe, Chelsie Baham and Makensy Manbeck. Photo: CBS ©2024 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Highest quality screengrab available.

Big Brother 26 Recap for 9/11/2024: Who Won POV?

Big Brother 26 Recap for 9/11/2024: Who Won POV?


Tonight’s episode of CBS’s Big Brother 26 opens with Chelsie telling Angela she is the target since she is in the middle of both sides of the house.

Kimo is okay with being a pawn for now, but thinks it could work against him if people want to break up him, T’Kor and Rubina.

Makensy, Chelsie, Cam and Quinn discuss the possibility of Leah winning POV and how it could lead to Angela being saved yet again.

Quinn worries that Chelsie might backdoor Leah, who one of his closest allies in the house. He talks to Leah, who promises not to save Angela because she just wants her in the jury for her own personal gain.

Makensy and Quinn both want to play veto to protect their alliance, but wonder if it is smart to keep Angela in the game. They discuss the possibility of saving her and forcing Chelsie to backdoor someone…and possibly getting rid of Kimo.

Makensy then shares this with Chelsie, who thinks he does need to go, it’s just a matter of when.


Quinn, Makensy and Rubina join Angela, Chelsie and Kimo in the POV comp. It is OTEV week, which has them collect trash for a panda with answers to his questions on it. The slowest and the ones to answer incorrectly will be eliminated.

In what is probably a POV first…or something that hasn’t happened in a long time, Makensy wins by being the only one to answer the question about who was evicted pre-new rule HOH comp. Cedric was the correct answer, but the others answered Tucker.

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Angela notices that the house is mostly empty and goes to spy. She finds Quinn, T’Kor, Rubina, Leah and Kimo outside and notices everyone went silent when she joined them. She assumes they have an alliance and are trying to get rid of her.

She discusses this with Chelsie the next day and while Chelsie thinks it could be her paranoia at work, she also thinks Angela may have a valid point, given Quinn’s flip-flopping history. They think they can find a way to work this to their advantage.

Makensy tells Quinn she plans on using the veto on Angela because she can control her and she is not a threat. She tells him to talk to Chelsie because she knows he and Leah are backdoor options.

Quinn talks to Chelsie, who calls him out on his flip flopping ways. He tries to defend himself and claim he is loyal to their alliance, but Chelsie isn’t sure and discusses a plan of action with Makensy.


More tomorrow, stay tuned.

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