BIG BROTHER September 1 on the CBS Television Network and streaming on Paramount+ (live and on-demand for Paramount+ with SHOWTIME subscribers, or on-demand for Paramount+ Essential subscribers the day after the episode airs)* Pictured: Cam Sullivan-Brown. Photo: CBS ©2024 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Highest quality screengrab available.
Big Brother 26 Recap for 9/1/2024: Who is the Seventh HOH?
We are now in week seven of Big Brother 26 on CBS. Last week Tucker was evicted from the house after his impressive run of winning comps in the house, starting a showmance with Rubina and being the AI Instigator, the latter of which won him 20 grand.
After the eviction, Rubina is upset that Tucker is gone, while Chelsie is celebrating since Tucker helped evict Cedric and Brooklyn.
T’Kor comforts Rubina, who is still crying. She admits she is in love with Tucker despite only knowing each other a short time and has no regrets about letting people know about the showmance…even though it made them both threats.
Quinn is thrilled that Tucker is out of the game.
Makensy wonders if winning AI Arena might make her a target.
T’Kor and Kimo know they have to step up their games now that Tucker is gone if they want to remain in the house.
HOH comp time! The houseguests minus T’Kor have to maneuver eggs up a fence and through an obstacle course to knock down the HOH letters. The first to do it wins HOH for the week. The first three to drop an egg would be Have Nots for the week.
Quinn Kimo and Makensy are Have Nots due to their own respective egg drops. Angela is relieved to not be one this week and even had an egg holding strategy to help her avoid the punishment.
Cam is initially in the lead, with Makensy, Leah, Kimo, Chelsie and Quinn hot on his heels.
Makensy, Leah, Kimo and Quinn all pull ahead…with Quinn taking the lead and winning HOH.
Rubina is upset because she knows she is the odd one out and possibly one of his targets.
Quinn tells Chelsie that Angela and probably Rubina will be going on the block. He also tells her that he wants yet another alliance with her, Cam and T’Kor. They both agree that they should add Makensy to the group as week.
Joseph and Quinn talk, with Joseph trying to smooth things over. Quinn thinks the two of them can work together on the downlow.
Angela tells Quinn that he should put new people on the block, but he doesn’t see a way of doing this without targeting her for throwing him under the bus. He also wants to get rid of Rubina since he knows that if she has the chance, she will target him.
T’Kor and Quinn discuss putting Makensy on the block. He also throws Kimo’s name out there, which upsets T’Kor since it would break up the Visionaries alliance.
Kimo reminds Quinn that he always had his back, but Quinn remembers how he was made a target for Tucker due to the way the Cedric eviction played out.
T’Kor, Rubina and Kimo talk about the possibility of being on the block. T’Kor vows to be done with Quinn if any of them go up, but Kimo understands since they all aligned with Tucker in the past.
Later on, Kimo admits to Quinn that he is afraid to go up as a pawn, making Quinn question if he should choose him or Makensy for his third nomination.
Nomination time! Angrla, Rubina and Kimo are on the block. He calls them out for the poor treatment he received and made it clear that one of them is his main target without naming names….but in the DR he makes it clear that he wants Angela GONE!
More Wednesday, stay tuned!