February 5, 2025
Big Brother 24 Recap for 8/5/2022: The Showmance and the Blindside

Big Brother 24 Recap for 8/5/2022: The Showmance and the Blindside


Tonight on Big Brother 24 on CBS we will see the end of another Bestie team break up as either Taylor or Nicole get evicted.


When we last left our houseguests, the POV was used and we saw Indy and Alyssa get off the block and Nicole and Taylor get put on.


Afterward, Daniel realizes there is a big alliance with three different pairs (Taylor/Turner, Monte/Joseph, Brittany/Michael). He thinks Kyle is with everyone else and they will have enough votes to get rid of Taylor.


Kyle is happy with this turn of events, because he got Nicole on the block and was able to save Alyssa….without getting blood on his hands.


Nicole tells Indy, Jasmine and Alyssa she is a former cop. The ladies think this is good for their game if they are all working together.


Kyle and Alyssa decide to give their showmance a go.


Nicole tells Monte that if she wins HOH next week, she will put one of the girls on the block. Monte thinks this bit of information can help him get the girls to vote Nicole out, so he is more than happy to share the news with Jasmine, who then shares it with the other girls. Indy isn’t sure this is a good idea—or even true!


Eviction time! Taylor and Nicole both give their speeches as to why they should stay and the house votes.

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In a 9-1 vote, Nicole is evicted from the Big Brother Household. She is not surprised and says as much in her goodbye chat with Julie. She is also not shocked about the Leftovers alliance.


Daniel is angry and tells everyone they cannot split the check and should play for themselves. He goes off to pout.


Taylor joins Alyssa and Indy’s Bestie group.


More next week, stay tuned.



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