ICYMI: B Positive Recap for A Dishwasher, a Fire and a Remote Control
This week’s B Positive opens with Drew and Gina FaceTiming. He is in a funk and wants to hang out, but she is busy with work. She teases him about watching porn, which he adamantly denies. She offers to talk now, but there is a knock at the door, so she has to go.
The whole gang, including Peter, Jerry, Bette, Harry, Norma and Meredith come in, complaining about the chef and the food. They want him fired, but Gina is afraid to make waves. Harry volunteers to do it, saying it is what he likes to do.
Bert is cooking vegetable soup with steak when Gina comes in to talk to him. She tries to explain that the residents are unhappy, but he distracts her with family stories. He tells her that they are complaining because they don’t have sophisticated palates. She finally gives up as he begins to sing and drink from a flask.
Drew talks to a client and ends up screaming at him, saying his problems are ridiculous and his wife should leave him. He ends up storming out of the session, saying his bill will only reflect part of the session.
Bette is out reading on her tablet when Jerry comes in, unable to sleep. They bond over dancing and the fact that they are both leaving soon. He plans on leaving when his meds are figured out, while she plans on moving out with her son.
As they talk, Peter and Spencer fight over the volume of Peter’s TV. Gina tries to calm them down, but they want to continue fighting. She sends them both to bed, telling Peter she will get him headphones and get Spencer earplugs. Jerry tries to talk to her, but she tells him to be quiet.
The next day, Drew comes to see Gina and tells Gabby he needs a friend to talk to. She is surprised they are friends and asks if he knows her last name. He walks away and runs into Gina. She agrees to have coffee with him, but sees Bert with a fire extinguisher. It turns out there is a grease fire and it is something that happens often. She ends up firing him, but not before beating around the bush about the issue.
At breakfast, Norma complains about the food, while Bette talks about going to her son’s for dinner. She says it is a welcome home dinner for Glamma, aka a grandma who is still doable.
Drew tries to talk to Harry about his problems, but he tells him to do something about it by not thinking and just doing.
Spencer and Peter continue to fight, getting into each other’s faces until Peter kisses him. Peter tells him there is plenty more where that came from.
Gina is in the kitchen crying about firing Bert when Gina and Gideon come in to comfort her. However, they make her feel worse when they remind her that the residents need to eat. Cue Food Court Friday.
Drew talks to Maddie about a father/daughter road trip. However, she is not at all interested. She seems more interested in where things are going with him and Gina and not worrying about him.
That night, Bette is drinking vodka when Jerry comes in. It turns out that she is staying because her daughter in law doesn’t want her moving in. They continue to bond and she thinks he is going to kiss her. He denies it, but she tells him his nose isn’t the only thing growing.
Spencer and Peter are continue to fight. Peter thinks Spencer stole his remote, but Spencer tells him that he is a former cop, so he doesn’t steal…..but can hide things.
Gina comes in, saying Bert isn’t fired after all. He promises no more drinking, LSD or sex on the job and will dedicate himself to his work.
The episode ends with Drew showing Maddie a For Sale sign on his house.