VANDERPUMP RULES -- "Welcome to Rachella" Episode 903 -- Pictured: (l-r) Raquel Leviss, James Kennedy -- (Photo by: Randy Shropshire/Bravo)
Vanderpump Rules Highlights for Welcome to Rachella
Here are the highlights from tonight’s episode of Vanderpump Rules!
- I legit thought Charli was talking to her doll head from beauty school, Buffy and NOT her boyfriend Corey.
- Pickleball gives me flashbacks to high school gym class. Oddly enough, they are fun memories with my friends Shana, Dennis, Brian and Heather.
- I have the exact same pajama sets as both Charli and Ariana.
- James not missing being drunk speaks volumes about how serious he is about his sobriety.
- I understand Tom feeling torn between Sandoval and Katie in a business sense, but seriously, he needs to talk with both of them and set things straight.
- Brock looks like he is trying to enter a Fabio over 50 Lookalike Contest.
- How the hell did Tom mistake his faux fur jacket for the bathroom and pee on it?
- Raquel talking about being insecure about talking in front of groups is so relatable.
- EW! The dare for Lala to put on the pee jacket is so gross….but it was hilarious to see her wash off with alcohol….or whatever that was.
- Scheana and Brock’s relationship is….worrying.
- James seems to be finally learning how to be a decent boyfriend when it comes to loving and supporting Raquel.
- Katie threatening to not have sex with Tom over calling her a Karen was such a Karen thing to do.
- I think both Toms need to learn how to listen to each other.
- I just realized Lisa and Ken weren’t in this episode at all.
- Charli cleansing the room and herself is such a damn mood.
- I had no idea there was so much drama with Brock and his ex.
- Lala getting emotional about the idea of not seeing Ocean shows how much she has grown as a woman and mom.
- Rachella looks like so much fun….and Raquel has no idea what is about to happen.
- That was such a sweet proposal and it was so cute seeing James so nervous. He planned that all so well. ]
- Wait….NO ONE KNEW he was going to propose?
- Congratulations to the happy couple!
More next week, stay tuned!
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