Big Brother 23 Recap for 8/19/2021: Did Britini Go On The Block?

Big Brother 23 Recap for 8/19/2021: Did Britini Go On The Block?

Big Brother 23 Recap for 8/19/2021: Did Britini Go On The Block?


Tonight’s episode of CBS’s Big Brother 23 picks up right where we left off with Britini going off about Kyland’s betrayal.


Kyland uses his power of veto on Claire, while Alyssa decides NOT to use hers. This means Claire is down and Britini is up, leading to her crying again.


Big D and Azah comfort Britini, who feels like she is being picked on because she is always on the block.


Big D, for his part, regrets going up as a pawn because he is now up with Britini and it can go either way.


Claire is still salty toward Kyland for putting her on the block, even though he is the one who also took her off.


Tiffany and Claire wonder if they should flip the house in order to get Big D out, but then realize he is a floater and can be easy to beat at the end. They discuss this with Hannah and Derek, who both think that it will be more beneficial to keep Britini.


However, Tiffany doesn’t want to go against the Cookout Alliance just yet, so she isn’t sure it is a good idea to go after Big D. Due to this, she thinks Claire and Derek should be the next targets.


The Cookout Alliance realizes that they need to win HOH before they are exposed. Xavier plans to win HOH and hopes Derek is willing to throw it for him.

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Kyland and Xavier discuss the fact that they are both in danger of being evicted if they are put on the block, so they put their heads together to prevent this from happening.


Derek knows he, Kyland and Xavier have to keep each other safe from here on out. However, this all changes after a talk with Claire….and now he is considering backdooring Xavier. The fact that Xavier wanted him to throw the competition didn’t help either.


Live eviction time!


Everyone votes to evict Britini, except for Azah, who votes to evict Big D.


After saying goodbye to the house, Britini goes to talk to Julie. While she discusses her time on the show, she is shown her goodbye videos.


In the house, Azah cries and Kyland kisses Big D.


HOH comp time! They have to go on a balance beam and try and get a seat at the dinner table in the fastest amount of time.


Sarah Beth wins and we will see her reign begin on Sunday. Stay tuned!

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